Board of Advisors

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Chief Advisors

The Project Vikram Journal is honoured to have the following dignitaries on its panel of advisors

Dr Guriqbal Singh Jaiya (avatar image)

Dr Guriqbal Singh Jaiya, IAS (Retd.)

Chief Advisor - Strategic Planning, Systems Thinking, IPR & Legal


Dr C S R Prabhu (avatar image)

Dr C S R Prabhu, PhD

Chief Advisor - Public IT Infrastructure, Fog Computing, ML & AI


Dr Shashi Bhushan Gogia (avatar image)

Dr Shashi Bhushan Gogia, MBBS MS

Chief Advisor - Clinical Telemedicine & Digital Health Standards


Dr Rakesh Biswas (avatar image)

Dr Rakesh Biswas, MD

Chief Advisor - Medical Education


Ms Anamika Mehta (avatar image)

Ms Anamika Mehta

Chief Advisor - Molecular and Clinical Genetics


Dr Guriqbal Singh Jaiya, IAS (Retd.) MBBS BA LLB


MBBS (AIIMS, New Delhi, 1977 internship)

Started MD (Pediatrics) on 1.1.1978 but left it to join IAS in July 1978 as the first MBBS to join the IAS BA Degree (Economics, Mathematics, Political Science, English) Delhi University, 1978. LLB Delhi University, 1983 Left IAS in Nov 1993 to join the World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO) Geneva, Switzerland.

Retired from WIPO in August 2017 and returned to India.

Current affiliations:

CO-Chairman, NASCAP a not-for-profit company which promotes prevention and court action against piracy and counterfeiting of goods, including drugs, agro-foods, PPE, Medical Devices, etc. Honorary Advisor, Telemedicine Society of India Convenor, Joint TSI, Joint (TSI, DHIndia Association, and 80 other volunteers) Working Group on webinar based Telemedicine Practice Guidelines Orientation Course . The above series of courses, which started on April 4, 2020 with a team of some 135 volunteers seeks to Five Lakh doctors in India by end May 2020, if not much earlier)

Member, DHIndia Association (Digital Health India)

Member, Advisory Board Of an Indian AI company which provides online Patent Information Services worldwide.

Member, Advisory Boardof a not-for-profit Foundation into integrated earlier childhood education and cognitive development Adviser to one of the biggest IP law firms in Delhi. CEO of online Health Startups for the last year and a half

Dr C S R Prabhu PhD

Chief Advisor - Public IT Infrastructure, Fog Computing, ML & AI


Dr. C.S.R.Prabhu has held prestigious positions with the Government of India and various institutions. He superannuated as Director General of National Informatics Centre (NIC),Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India,New Delhi.

Before joining NIC he worked in various capacities in TCS,CMC,TELCO(Tata Motors)both in India and USA. He had done research at University of Central Florida (UCF) and was a consultant to NASA Cape Canaveral,Florida,USA.

He was posted with Hughes Aircraft Corporation, at Irvine,California

He was visiting Faculty with Asian Productivity Organization programs at Osaka Japan.

He was Chairman of Computer Society of India ,Hyderabad Chapter for two terms in 2003 and 2004.

Dr. C.S.R.Prabhu is presently Director, Research at Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology ,Hyderabad.

He received his Master of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay in 1978.

He authored a number of text books in IT area with the most recent being on “Fog Computing,Deep Learning and Big Data Analytics-Research Directions” and also “Big Data Analytics-Systems, Algorithms and Applications” both published by Springer.

Dr Shashi Bhushan Gogia MBBS MS

Chief Advisor - Clinical Telemedicine & Digital Health Standards

github-userid TBD

QUALIFICATION: M.B.B.S. (1977) and M.S. (1981) in General Surgery. Both from A.I.I.M.S. New Delhi (AIIMS is India’s Best Medical School) • Independent practice as a surgeon (Specialty Plastic Surgery) since 1985 - main source of earning Special Interests: Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Lymphedema. Medical Informatics, Telemedicine • Health Informatics activities started in 1995. Achieved prominence on a national and international level. However it still remains to be a hobby and commitment

Current and past positions • Fellow of International Academy of Health Science Informatics • President of S.A.T.H.I. –Registered society (2004) involved in successful implementation of telehealth projects. President since inception and plan to handover charge in 2021. • Member of Bureau of Indian Standards MHD 17 taskforce on Development of Healthcare Informatics Standards and member of ISO Technical Committee 215 -since 2008 till current ◦ Convener of panel on Medical Icons • Ex Chairperson of Telehealth Working Group of International Medical Informatics Association ( 2010-2019 – Awarded the best Working group of IMIA in 2019 ◦ Editor of Book– Fundamentals of Telemedicine and Telehealth – targeting undergraduates and lay professional in Medicine Nursing as well as other Paramedical fields. 52 authors across the globe • Past President of APAMI - Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (2015-16) • Past president of IAMI (2006-2009)

Major Achievements 1. Made an EMR software (Medic Aid – details available at for use in Clinics and Hospitals – over 150 users) 2. Over 40 Scientific Papers in Indexed journals 3. Guest lectures delivered in over 200 National, International and specially organized meets and workshops. 4. Providing Telemedicine and Software Support for Medical establishments 5. Made a machine and treatment protocols for Filariasis and Lymphedema to the benefit of millions of patients
6. Made other machines for DVT prevention and Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

Dr Rakesh Biswas MD

Chief Advisor - Medical Education


Rakesh Biswas MD is a professor of Medicine at Kamineni Institute of Medical sciences, Narketpally, near Hyderabad, India. His interests include clinical problem solving applied to patient centered health care and health education and he runs a global-medical elective supported by the BMJ group and Kamineni Institute of Medical sciences, Narketpally, near Hyderabad, India.(detailed here:

He has in the past shared his experiences in clinical problem solving extensively through global academic journals and books and is a founding editor of International Journal of User Driven healthcare, and Regional editor for the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, UK ( as well as a past Deputy Editor of BMJ case reports, UK.

He is currently engaged in developing a health care blended-learning ecosystem through a network of global multiple learner stakeholders that includes medical student and health professionals from diverse disciplines. It also includes patients along with their relatives in rural and urban India so that they may benefit from this global learning toward their local caring. His primary focus is on optimization of costs in a manner that can still provide highest quality of care in low resource settings.

As all these stakeholders are computer users communicating through the web with a user name the network is also known as ‘User Driven Health Care’ UDHC network. The network has currently piloted in rural and urban Indian locations with encouraging responses from patients, medical students and global health professionals connected through the web. The network eventually hopes to propagate ‘patient centered learning in India such that medical students and health professionals take pride in their teamwork toward making a positive change in their patients’ lives. It hopes to in this manner utilize patient centered learning to build a vital bridge between basic and clinical science professionals that may translate bedside patient needs to solutions from the bench.

Ms Anamika Mehta MSc Genetics

Chief Advisor - Molecular and Clinical Genetics

github-userid TBD

Ms Anamika Mehta is a senior geneticist with extensive experience with stress response genes, gene expression, stem cells, exosomes and longevity. She has consulted with international oganizations in the field of clinical genetics.

(Awaiting full profile)